Sunday, October 02, 2005

never so alone.whats in the dyer it just went off.

thought it would be funny to write a blog wasted. ha ha. cant see straight. drunk again. ex boyfriend called me a cunt. other one didnt show up when he said he would. its my bday in a day. and brown slammed my fingers in the door. not on purpose. on monday its my birthday and i dont have a job now. 25. no prospects. whistler. swiss kid wished me happy birthday but its not til monday. he doesnt even know. what now. does anyone really give a shit what happens to me. it was fun. even married guy never showed. i hit back space like 45 times. ryan brought train tracks. my first day without a job is on monday , my birthday. 25. no prospects. no one gives a shit. didnt pay for a single double vodka redbull.. had at least 6. and some shots. he called me a cunt. i invited him. what. am. i . doing. with. my. life. wasted. in the morning i will delete. so read it now. my fingers heart. my heart hurts. its not funny any more. but it is. help me. i know i am not useless. at least i a m stylish and hav e cool accesorries this is what happens when i dont backspacie. yah thats right. i am fuckin not awesome. i am a cunt. i no i a= see. no backspace. accersories. yah, stupid. i know. am a good person? someone. me. someday. right? wasted again. bob threw out my hotdog.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

oh darling, i tried to get a hold of you to see if you were still there and you didnt call me back.

you are fabulous and without a doubt not a cunt. you don't need to know what you are doing with your life, the important thing is that you are enjoying your life. you are amazing and your work was completely idiotic to get rid of you. all those people that said goodbye to you truly meant it because you made a difference in their life. you don't need that job to do that. we all heart you.

i'm so sorry i didn't get to see you last night, i tried. i'm at the gym until 4pm so expect text messages.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger shipkicker said...

thanks tpg. you were definately missed last night :) thought i would come and delete this post but instead find myself leaving a comment cause its pretty f'in funny. i really dont think it is all that bad. ah birthdays can get you down. it was a good time. god this post is awesome. in a drunk alcohol induced depresoid type of way, of course.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Mike H said...

Funny post. I think more people should post when they're elegantly wasted.

You gonna be at TGP's birthday thing? I'll bring The Transformers, but there's a preliminary interview I must conduct before I allow you to borrow it. Being as, I've never really met you at all.

Toxic men huh? I've worked at the factory with a few. Just try not to breathe when they walk by. You'll avoid the noxious fumes they emit.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy birthday Shippy (yes it is Monday here ........ just checking, yes it is, hehe).

Sorry I won't be able to make it.
There was some sort of mix-up
with the flight tickets.
Some dork took my details
down wrongly. I mean do I look
like Mrs. Ethel Rinton from
Trinidad, geesh!

And listen ......... I don't know you. But I do know this - you are NOT stupid, you are NOT a waste of space, you are NOT a cunt. You ARE awesome, you ARE funny, you ARE beautiful!
You will find true love some day. Never give up! Ok?? I can't hear you Shippy. I said ok?? ....... good that's better, I heard you that time.
Chin up beautiful.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger anika said...

Shippy, I think you're great.


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