identity theft is not as cool as your friends make it out to be
so my friend, we'll call him 'joe', has decided to accompany me on a little excursion accross the pond next summer. so i'm over at his house tonight, doing a little research about eurorail and busabout, you know, costs and such. as i am typing in i accidently type but and what comes up automatically in the little address bar? none other than 'joe' blatently denies ever visiting this site, but fails to provide the name of anyone else who could have done it. not that there is anything wrong with looking up porn on the internet. if you are a lonely desparate pervert who likes watching max hardcore videos of girls vomiting on themselves. oh wait, that was 'joes' roomate.moving on. it was another interesting weekend. hootie pootie and i went to a lovely house party on friday night where i proceded to get super drunk (i am not bragging, its the truth) and download the party favorites on the hosts computer. these consisted, of course, of return of the mack, poison by bbd, and hot stepper. i also broke a closet, stole a mickey of vodka, (the nectar of the gods) made a date to go see the constant gardener, tried to make international calls to switzerland, and when that didnt work, sent off a few text messages to just about everyone i know. which is only like four people, so it wasnt so bad. as i am scrolling through my phone tonight, i see that i have acquired the phone number of a gentleman named luke. he will not be getting a call. and i got the hiccups. all ingredients for a roaring good time. so far, the job is going alright. thanks to all those well wishers out there for their comments and their congrats. i am still in training mode, and nobody really talks to me. the one guy that i do knows girlfriend also works there and she gives me the stink eye everytime i talk to her boyfriend like i am trying to scam on him. so that part is cool. actually, i do see some fun potential. we shall see, we shall see. if anything, its a place that i can practice my flair. once i learn how that is.alright i am going now. a good blogger knows the key is to leave them wanting more. or quit while youre ahead. so that would have been like 2 paragraphs ago.
greatest bartender this side of the mason dixon line
alright alright. i know i suck. apparently i can only write posts for other people or if i am drunk. perhaps next time it will be both, so god help you if i ever figure out your password after a few vodka redbulls. so lets see. what is new. i started this new job the other night and as i am wiping down tables, i am thinking how i am way too old and way over qualified to be doing what i am doing. i am trying not to be a job snob or anything, because really, its a job, and i dont have any money, and i am supposed to be going to europe in the summer. which is really hard to save for on ei. however, here i am wondering how did i get here. ahhh i had so much promise. maybe its my attitude. bah. hootie pootie and i went on this country booze cruise the other weekend, with her sisters and a bunch of other folk. we, for some reason, have the unfortunate luck of going to these things with high expectations and open minds. it seems everytime we are greeted with a crowd of people who we have nothing in common with and would never hang out with and if you catch where i am going without me having to say that the people always end up being total social rejects... needless to say if the ocean water wasnt minus 60 i would have probably jumped over board and swam to shore. oh, and if i wasnt wearing a really good shirt. however, hootie pooties boyfriend and i had the pleasure of watching a girl with perhaps a medically enhanced chest look down and wink at her boobs all night. so really it was worth the thirty five bucks after all.oh yes, and go see walk the line. and buy madonna and imogen heaps new cds. and go see jarhead because you get to see jake gyllenhals ass. and lets face it. that is what we all really want. oh, and notjoecheese... dont worry , kiddie porn is the new romantic comedy.
i am the kd master
ok. so i got up at 4:00 this morning to take my mom to the airport for the second time in two weeks. blah. good thing my new thing is to be an insomniac lately, so its not like i actually had to set the alarm. my great grandma died the other day, so my mom is going back for the funeral. but dont feel bad, she (my g grandma) was almost 102, and she kinda wanted to die. apparently there is not much quality of life for a almost 102 year old who still has her wits about her, but not much of the mobility. she was a cool lady, however, who outlived two husbands and two daughters, one of whom happened to be my grandmother. she will be missed.the rest of my day i spent with my dad and bob. we went down to the legion which was kind of cool before rememberance day, to see all the vets and think about what they sacrificed so we could live the way we do today. started off innocently enough, but i can never go out with bob and my dad together without being pumped full of alcohol and coming home with at least a buzz. which i did. which i am. however, bob did win me a stuffed unicorn from one of those machines which is no small feet when you are knee deep in spiced rum and cokes. my sister used to have a friend who had a pet unicorn in her back yard. at least thats what she told people. i never saw it. but i here i sit, 7:00 on a tuesday. blogging because i know any minute gareth is going to start harping on me, buzzed with no where to go. pretty sure i text messaged the swiss kid to go to sleep, although it is 4 in the morning in shitzerland. not sure what the rest of the night holds for me, but i am sure it involves more drunk messaging and a little bit of watching the amazing race. perhaps some smarties. you just never do know. and my dad just came in and offered me pickles. which are not a snack food. and this was a good day.
shipkicker for a bullshit free existence.
has anyone seen lord of war and perhaps would like to explain it to me? nevermind. i dont really care. but jared leto 30 seconds to mars is looking mighty fine these days. so what if he's totally weird and was on my so called life. i seem to be going thru this weird, unbrought on transitional period right now. i was commenting to a friend last night about being 25, with no job, no boyfriend, no prospects, and living at home with my parents, and my friends are dropping like flies. but its ok. i know that this is all happening for a reason, and its because i have become too complacent in the past few years which has not encouraged me to change the things and shed the people which aggravate me. i hang on to people and things out of fear that i will end up alone. But over this past year, and especially this past month, i have discovered that sometimes it is better to be alone then to put up with the things that make my life harder for me. at this point i am mostly referring to people, not things, and there has been a lot whom i have had to let go of recently. i am getting to the phase of my life, or maybe i am just too tired to put up with the bullshit anymore, and let things slide out of the sake of losing another person. i have noticed with all these friends i have, i still spend the majority of my time alone, and despite what anyone thinks or says, this is not by choice. but as it is something i am so accustomed to, it wouldnt really be that different if i had one less friend . and to be fair, it isnt any different. i keep the people close to me that i know make time to include me in their lives, and if that ends up being only one or two people, then its one or two who are honest with me and with themselves, and i'm ok with that. for once in my life, i am worrying about myself first, because i can no longer except the blame for everything. what if my whole life up until now, everything wasnt my fault. someone said that to me once, and it scared me. because it always what i've been led to believe, and that statement changes my entire existence. i am cautiously optimistic of what the future holds for me. i am looking forward to moving forward. because, of all things, my blog is getting way too emo. and if i'm getting rid of the negativness that has haunted me my entire life, i need a good reason.