identity theft is not as cool as your friends make it out to be
so my friend, we'll call him 'joe', has decided to accompany me on a little excursion accross the pond next summer. so i'm over at his house tonight, doing a little research about eurorail and busabout, you know, costs and such. as i am typing in i accidently type but and what comes up automatically in the little address bar? none other than 'joe' blatently denies ever visiting this site, but fails to provide the name of anyone else who could have done it. not that there is anything wrong with looking up porn on the internet. if you are a lonely desparate pervert who likes watching max hardcore videos of girls vomiting on themselves. oh wait, that was 'joes' roomate.
moving on. it was another interesting weekend. hootie pootie and i went to a lovely house party on friday night where i proceded to get super drunk (i am not bragging, its the truth) and download the party favorites on the hosts computer. these consisted, of course, of return of the mack, poison by bbd, and hot stepper. i also broke a closet, stole a mickey of vodka, (the nectar of the gods) made a date to go see the constant gardener, tried to make international calls to switzerland, and when that didnt work, sent off a few text messages to just about everyone i know. which is only like four people, so it wasnt so bad. as i am scrolling through my phone tonight, i see that i have acquired the phone number of a gentleman named luke. he will not be getting a call. and i got the hiccups. all ingredients for a roaring good time.
so far, the job is going alright. thanks to all those well wishers out there for their comments and their congrats. i am still in training mode, and nobody really talks to me. the one guy that i do knows girlfriend also works there and she gives me the stink eye everytime i talk to her boyfriend like i am trying to scam on him. so that part is cool. actually, i do see some fun potential. we shall see, we shall see. if anything, its a place that i can practice my flair. once i learn how that is.
alright i am going now. a good blogger knows the key is to leave them wanting more. or quit while youre ahead. so that would have been like 2 paragraphs ago.
Shippy you updated and you didn't need any encouragement from me. I'm feeling a little redundant now, my work here is done!
I thought you were intending to go with Jen-Nae or is this a different excursion???
The Atlantic Ocean is really cold so remember to wear extra warm swimming gear to get across it!
dear miss shippy mcshipperson,
i miss you. my eyes hurt from our staring contest. there is oodles of gossip, and by oodles i mean a handful of gossip, you are behind on. there needs to be an excursion soon... maybe not across the pond but to a bar or something. yes. a bar or something.
- tgp over and out
dear sir or madam,
you were tagged, get with the program.
Shippy could you puhlease use those pretty little fingers of yours and give us an update :-)
hey lady .. i just wanted to letcha know i changed my blog address to
shippy pulled the quarterback sneak on me... it was impressive.
Does anyone know about the whereabouts of miss shipkicker??? Anyone at all?
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