i broke into your house last night
so i just went thru all of the fonts this site had to offer (which is none, really) only to find out that they are all just variations of each other. so i'm thinking about starting a petition to send in to wherever you send it to make changes around here. how will people know my blog is cool if i cant jazz it up? if you are with me, leave a comment. in other news, did you know that there is a web site that you can go on and it will tell you if you are blocked or someone has deleted you from their msn? yes, i know. i gasped too. www.msngeeks.com. i couldnt resist a little peek myself and hmm you are all in trouble.
this weekend me and hootie pootie found ourselves at crush (its a bar for those who are still reading this) where hootie proceeded to drink her weight in alcoholic beverages and being that we are a tag team of sorts, i couldnt let her go it alone. well, if youve read my previous blogs (all 2 of you) you will know that i make friends by making out with strangers. now, i dont exactly remember this, and i will be telling this story from hooties point of view so pay attention , i'll go slow...
sunday 12:30 pm i phone hootie
hootie: dude you totally made out with that guy and called him cheesy to his face!
shipkicker: what are you talking about?
hootie: that guy... you should have seen his face, it totally fell. i was looking at you and cringing - you totally told him that this was cheesy and everything about him was cheesy.
shipkicker: i did? what did he say?
hootie: he was like uh thanks. he looked totally crushed. dude, you called him mocheesemo!
shipkicker: oh my god. why dont i remember this?
hootie: i dont know, you were hammered. he said you basically ripped apart everything he was wearing.
shipkicker: well i do remember trying to rip off his leather strap bracelet at the bar and i know i said something about his necklace but thats it.
hootie: no dude. he said uh thanks and you were like i'm just trying to help you out.
shipkicker: i called him mocheesemo? thats awesome. i am a jerk.
hootie: (and this is why i love her) no dude, he totally was.